Abundance of 5's but Good Luck??
Name Numerology Riddle

by Brittany
(Houston, TX, U.S.A)

I love name numerology and my name is Brittany Shrease Beckom. My birthday 01/05/1988. My Life path is (14/5), day of birth is the(5th), and my personality is (50/5).

My destiny 17/8 with a 12/3 Soul Urge. I sign my name and introduce myself as "Brittany Beckom". I recently found out my vibration is 43/7 via Chaldean numerology. My life has been very difficult. I am a singer/entertainer. I look for a fortunate stage name.

I spoke with a celebrity numerologist over the telephone briefly on a radio show she was a guest at. She suggested I remove the "C" in my last name "Beckom" and add a "K", which creates a fortunate vibration 42/6.

6 Conflicts with my life path and birthday numbers but life has improved. I have a 6 year old son who I had when I was 16 (6 life path, 6 destiny,69 name number) and I do get pregnant easily.

I haven't been the luckiest but it could always be worse. I've moved a lot, had many short term jobs, lots of changes in life.

Reply by Kannan M

Even after that correction, your name still continues to be unlucky. You have to correct it once again. You should never wear an unlucky dress or jewelery, and likewise, you must not live with an unlucky name.

Chaldean numerology is more dependable and reliable for name correction. But the correction given by that numerologist is not the right one. If you want to really get the real benefit of numerology try our system which is the most authentic and scientific in the world.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Name Numerology Riddle

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Feb 19, 2016
Is my name lucky enough? NEW
by: Halden

Like the person that enquires, I too have been advised to change my name from HALDEN AALEANADEA to SCOTIN AALEANADEA because of my February 25th, 1983 birthday. That is according to this website I am 7&3. I feel very fortunate since then, though i still want to confirm from the Guru here if there is still anything to fear in my new name? Thanks.

May 10, 2012
Thank you NEW
by: Brittany Beckom

Thank you Jerome! I understand now. This was when I started my Journey with numerology. I changed my name then went back to the original because I learned to work with my energy. I appreciate your comment & perspective.

May 08, 2012
Numbers Rule NEW
by: Ignatious

Numbers play a large role in life, though the larger thought is how you work the numbers. There is always a varible somewhere that changes things. Basic Algebra. Bad decisions can make a 5-23 match bad, while knowing what to look for with a 27 can make a match with a 5 great.

Just saying...

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