Name Numerology for No. 8  What No. 8 Means To You?

Saturn And No. 8

In Name Numerology, No. 8 stands for Saturn.  How will you know you are under the sway of Saturn?

If you often face obstacles, meet with accidents, and feel unlucky, you are ruled by No. 8 and  Saturn. 

Numerology for  8 when exalted  makes you a saint.   When afflicted it makes you  a proficient criminal. 

Michael Jackson's Name & Saturn

Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Who is ruled by No. 8?
Name Numerology

As per name numerology, If you are born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th, of any month, know that you are ruled by 8 and the Planet Saturn.  You are also ruled by Saturn and 8, if your Life Number or Name Number is 8.

If your Life No. alone is 8, you will attain to the qualities of No. 8 in due course of your life, and undergo many sufferings.  If your day or name  number is 8, then you suffer from your early days through out your life.

The Killer In 8

When I say 8 will give you accidents, some don't take it seriously.  8 is a killer in name numerology. I give here an example to prove this. Look at this number! 0888 888 888. It has 10 digits, 9 eights & adds to 72 or 9.

See how 9 in 72 is spoiled by 8. Can you believe that the above number with 10 digits and 9 eights killed all its 3 owners within 10 years?  It was 0 888 888 888. This is what 8 will do to anyone.  It was a cell phone No.

Always Unlucky

Name Numerology for No. 8 makes you face a lot of obstacles.  You suffer from your childhood.  You get even little things, only after great struggles.   You meet with many accidents, disappointments, and failures.

You have  too many risks even when you hold high positions.  You have heavy duties, which you can not shoulder.  Bad Luck hangs like a Damocles sword above your head.  You mostly fail. 

When 8 Is Exalted

In the science of name numerology, the ancients adore No. 8.  When pure, It gives you the power to   understand the scriptures.  You are filled with compassion, love, and mercy.  You sacrifice for  the poor and the sick.

You boldly renounce this life and your riches to take up an ascetic’s life.  You spend your life in serving the poor and the sick.  You propagate religious teachings with missionary zeal. You strive for God Realization!

 When Not Exalted

In name numerology, No. 8 makes you appear clean.  But inside, you are seething with rage and thoughts of revenge.  You revel in plans of cheating, fraud, blackmails, rape, murder and counterfeit currency.

When ruled by 8, you harbor such thoughts, but you lack the courage to do such things.   Many lead poor lives with too many hardships all through their years.  Many die half way through by mysterious, fateful accidents.

When Afflicted

Name Numerology for 8,  when afflicted, drives you to commit crimes and fill the prisons.   If you analyze the lives of the inmates of prisons all over the world, you will find that these victims are ruled by Saturn and No. 8. 

When Saturn and 8 are afflicted, this is what happens.  Saturn inflicts punishment here and now.  A criminal ruled by 8 as his day, life or name number, fails in his efforts to escape from his punishment.  He suffers.

Is Saturn Evil?

Ancient texts for name numerology depict Saturn in  a seated pose with a balance in his left hand, knife in his right, and  both his eyes tied up with a cloth.  A dove indicating love, mercy and compassion sits on his shoulders.

What does it tell you?  It reveals that Saturn stands for justice.  He  administers justice without fear or favor. He weighs your past deeds and punishes you accordingly. You deserve what you get and reap your fruits.

Escape From Bad Luck

These  texts on numerology describe the bad luck of No. 8, but fail to show you,  how to escape from its evil effects.  Intensive research by changing names for such persons gave the hidden clues to achieve that.

When you are afflicted by the evil effects of Saturn and No. 8, it helps you to modify your name in the vibration of No. 5. There are persons who escaped several times from accidents and deaths using the power of 5.

Luck Defeats Bad Luck

Numerology for No.5 declares that it ensures good luck. Therefore, what ever be your sufferings with 8, if you have a name correction in the 5 series in a lucky vibration you are sure  to escape from bad luck.

Not only that. Numerology for No. 5 works for you like a talisman to protect you from dangers.  You must remember that you can have many numbers with final result of 5, like 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68 and so on.

Name Number 8

In  numerology, if your name, day, or life  No. is 8, unexpected bad events will befall you when you attain to the age of  17th, 26th, 35th, and  44th in your life.  You can boldly declare that 8 brings bad Luck to all!

In such cases, you must correct your name in a proper number in 5 that resonates in the most lucky wavelengths! Your consultant should be able to distinguish between the numbers in the 5 series like 14, 23, 32 and 41. 

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