Bad Name Spoils My
Name Numerology

by B.kishore kumar

As per name numerology, I was born on the 12th of April 1969. I want affection from people but even my parents did not love me. I lost a lot of money. I ran out of home because of debts.

After long struggles I came back. Now also I am in difficulties. I am having a worth but I am unstable. Now also I am in debts.

Once I went to a numerologist who changed my name from B. KISHORE KUMAR TO B.KISSHORRE. It was like falling into the fire from the frying pan. I continued to suffer much more.

Even now my fate is not corrected. Before two months I lost my job because of my health. I don't find any good luck. If I am happy one month, I am sure that I will get problems for the next one year.

I am even afraid to think good as it will affect me badly at once.

Reply by Kannan M

This is what happens to you when you go to a bookish numerologist who just changes alphabets with out knowing the implications of his wrong doings.

Your new name is worse than your old one . That numerologist has given you a bizarre name and spoiled your life. That is why you should not choose to go to cost wise cheaper numerologists.

If you economize on the fee, you will lose expert assistance. Is it not penny wise and pound foolish? Go only to the knowledgeable experts who are well known by their original contributions.

These are all matters of life and death and you must have the attitude even to pay a little more to a deserving numerologist who can render sterling service to you and save your life.

Nov 21, 2010

Kindly Advise Me
by: Anonymous

My name has number 9, and it has negative reflection. I have lot enemies around me. People go against me. Although I love them, they don't love. My mother, father, brother, sister and friends go against me.

At my work, at my school every where people go against me. I was trying to wear coral, but I was afraid to wear, because what is going to happen if it is doesn't suit me. I am trying to change my name. I read Cheiro's books about numerology, and it's tell me everything which applies to me one hundred percent.

My horoscope is ARIES and my name sum is Number 9. I have Coral, but I am afraid to wear. Please advise me If I have this situation; what is going to happen if I wear Coral rings.

Reply by Kannan M

Though your name is in 9, it is defective. That is why you suffer like this. Correct your name and then I shall tell you which gem to wear on which finger and in which hand.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Name Numerology For
Good Luck

by Barry Wayne Stone

I want to know if a change in name as per name numerology will do any good for me. I am Barry Wayne Stone. I've had many years of bad luck, no matter how much good I do. What to do now?

Reply by Kannan M

Your name is defective in numerology and phonology. It is full of negative vibrations. There is no positive meaning any where within your name. It reeks with fully packed negativities. In this situation, how can you expect Dame Luck to love you or embrace you?
Do correct your name and enjoy Luck.

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Name Numerology For
Ab Haqim

by ab haqim

I want to know if my nae numerology promises to me a good future. My name is Ab. Haqim, My fullname is Ab. Haqim Zulkapli. My birthdate is 21/06/1986. As I calculate it all comes to 6. Am I correct in my calculations and is it good for me?

Reply by Kannan M

You have forgotten to consider that Day Number is different from Life Number and both must be compatible in name numerology. Your day number is 3. Your life number is 6. Remember that 3 and 6 are inimical to each other.

When it happens like this, the individual having this defect ruins his own future by his wrong decisions, associations, and actions. He commits social suicide by doing actions to bring down his reputation. This combination makes him cause his downfall.

It also happens with people having 2 & 9, 7 & 9, 9 & 2, and 9 & 7, not to mention 6 & 3.

Your Full name is Ab. Haqim Zulkapli which reduces to 3 + 12 + 31 =46. Therefore you have many numbers playing in your life and all is not 6. Your name is defective as it contains 3 and 12. Hence you must correct your name as per the rules of name numerology.

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Name Numerology For

by Tansen Zibal Basekar
(Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)

I do not know what my name numerology has in store for me, but I am struggling from the age of 26th, earning just enough for family, but no savings and always remaining in debts. In spite of trying and trying, I am not succeeding in any business. I have been trying my hands in commission business.

My actual surname is Wasekar but during primary school, by oversight it was changed to Basekar by some clerk or teacher and still it is running same. Even all my personal records and children's records go with the changed surname BASEKAR.

Reply by Kannan M

Basekar is a name with evil name numerology. It is extremely negative. Tansen is also weak since the written and spoken vibes differ. Hence your name is not correct and you have to change it.

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