Benefits of a 6/8 Numerology
For a correct name
by Bahram Bahrani
Dear Mr. Kannan M,
Could you please elaborate on the BENEFITS of a "6/8" person if he has the correct name?
What I mean is, what inherent strengths are there for a person born on a 6 day and 8 life-path? For example, you mentioned that on a correct name, the "5/5" born person has the luckiest vibration.
Can the same be said of the "6/8" birth vibration? If not, what are its benefits? I already know the negatives (by the presence of Saturn).
Reply by Kannan M
What do you mean by a correct name? Traditional numerology fails miserably here. In my system, I check the name by scientific measurements for lucky wave lengths and frequencies.
It these are lucky, I check it an an energy meter called Acmograph with the Lecher Antenna if it passes all the four tests there. Then I check the name by horary astrology to find if it is really lucky.
I say a name is perfect only if correct as per traditional numerology and it also passes these other these tests of wave length measurements, energy tests, and astrology tests to confirm the luck.
With a perfect name the 6 and 8 can be as lucky as the 5 & 5.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site. Correct your name and enjoy all the good things in your life.