Confusion in Pythagorean
Name Numerolgy
by Abir
I am confused about one thing in name numerology. When we calculate our expression number what formula should we follow. My first name is 6, middle name equals 27/9, and last name equals 27/9.
Should I calculate my sum number as 60 (6+27+27), or as 24 (6+9+9). Please clear my confusion. Am I 60/6, or a 24/6? Would really appreciate your response. Thanks.
Reply by Kannan M
What you are speaking about is Pythagorean Numerology. We do not use this as it does not give success results in name correction. for this undoubtedly, Chaldean Name Numerology is the best.
It is bequeathed by God and it is reliable.
For your question about Expression Number, the answer is you must have a perfect Expression number for the first name and also for the whole name. Then only it will be some what better.
May be you can portray the character of a person in several pages length of useless information in that system of Pythagorean name numerology, but it does not help you to create lucky names for you.
Use the Chaldean Numerology and get a perfect lucky Name.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.