by Guy Mage
(Queensland, Australia)
I must say this site on name numerology is a fantastic website, but this section in particular sort of got me worried!
I will say though, my life has been fantastic so far, especially in the money and relationship area.
My name is Guy Mage which gives a 23 for my name and I'm born on 15th August, 1983 which means a Day Number of 6 and Life path 8.
It makes sense that to have a name in "5" based on this date of birth is the way to go, and I am reaping the rewards for it in huge ways.
What really intrigued me was the "defective 13" you mentioned to another person. My surname "Mage" adds up to 13 too, but my life has been great so far.
Is "defective 13" accurate ACROSS the board or only in case of some people? Also, what do you mean by "negative vibes"? Does "Guy Mage" or "Riccardo Gueli" (my original name) have negative vibes?
By the way I am a marketer, and I am happy to direct many people to your brilliant website!!
Thanks a lot.
Reply by Kannan M
If you enjoy so many benefits with this name it is good. If you correct your name with expert help, your life will be far more lucky.
Go through my section on the Lecher Antenna to understand the meaning of negative vibes.
An earth quake makes negative vibes whereas a fortune makes positive vibes. There are instruments to measure like lecher antenna.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.