Guide My Numerology
To The Right Path

As per numerology, I was born on 16th, a day with No. 7. My name is AKASH F JAIN. I was born on 16-08-1984 at 12-55 hrs in Chennai.

I am facing lots and lots of problems. I lost every body in my life. I lost my father, mother, and two sisters. I feel lonely, helpless, and lost.

I lost my money, my home, my name and I have lost my fame. In fact, I have lost every thing. Nothing is left. Please guide me to the right path.

Kannan M
Reply By Kannan M

You are born with Day no. 7 and Life No. 1. Your name is in No. 28.

This is the effect of No. 7 in most people's lives. Sorrows come in battalions. Your life has proved it.

Your name in 28 is not good either. I have explained in detail the regressive nature of Name No. 28.

It is made up of 12, 8 and 8. Note that Saturn is present in your name two times. Once in F and the second time in Jain.

Saturn strikes twice in your name and works havoc.

This shows the importance of having correct names. It also shows the importance of having each name part in good vibration. You have 2 evil name parts in Saturn and 8.

You have negative phonology in Akash in the word portion ASH. You must not have ash, ban, no, war, and such negative syllables in any part of name. This is bad phonology.

Only with a perfect name you can fight the negative impact of 7 on you.

You can find a new ray of hope if you correct your name by Numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

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To The Right Path

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Oct 11, 2010
incurred more debts.
by: s vijayan


I have been consulting many numerologists by spending lots of money.

I got the many names. Not lucky, no peace of mind. And my married life is not good.

The following are the names which i got.







Pls help me which is lucky for me.

I incurred more debts.

Reply by Kannan M

To cure your disease if you visit too many doctors, you will land up with more disease and side effects. Your quest for numerology has made you to suffer like this.

Do not worry any more. You come to us and we shall truly help you. But it is not free. Free help never works in numerology. You must own the name by paying for it upfront.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

Nov 21, 2009
Numerology Name Analysis
by: Williams -California

I found a new approach to numerology in this analysis of Akash F Jain. Sure Mr Kannan M looks into all the angles of troubles.

Unless you know how your present name is defective, how can you correct it? An excellent Name analysis as per Numerology.

Nov 21, 2009
Phonology in Numerology
by: Raaji Bangalore

I particularly liked the lucid explanation of negative name parts and theire impacts, even by way of initials, F in Jain's case, and ash in Akash.

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