How Is My Luck As Per
Name Numerology
by r.krishnan rau
I agree with what you say on name numerology. According to my numerology details I was born on 27/06/1980 and my name is R.Krishnan Rau. Can you tell me if my name is lucky or not?
Reply by Kannan M
You have 9 & 4. Your name is in 2 + 19 + 9 = 30. It loses the benefits of your 9 & 4 combination. Therefore, it fails the requirements of traditional numerology.
It also still has to pass the tests by vibration measurements and astrology. Therefore, this name is not lucky for you. You have to correct it as per your astrology, numerology, and bioenergetics.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.