Is My Son's Name As Per
Name Numerology

by arnav singh dhillon

Is my son's name suitable for him as per name numerology? He is born on 18-06-2007.

Reply by Kannan M

Your son has 9 & 6. Arnav Singh Dhillon is also unlucky because of the bad 2nd and last names. ARNAV makes 15 but it loses its goodness by the bad vibes in the second and last names.

He has got excellent numbers. You must correct his name if you want him to be healthy and prosperous in his life.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Name Numerology

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Oct 28, 2015
name NEW
by: pratyush

May 30, 2011
Lucky Numerology Name For My Baby
by: Meera.S.Nair

My daughter's name is VARADA KRSHNA

Is it suitable for her as per name numerology? She is born on 15-03-2010.

Reply by Kannan M

There is a difference in the pronounced and written vibrations. It makes her name unlucky. VAR in Varada makes it further negative. Hence it is not a good lucky name for your baby.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site. Correct your name and enjoy all the good things in life.

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