Name Numerology Advice
For Life Path 8

by ailene

Can you advise me on my name numerology? I am a 4 person and my day number is 22 which equals to 4. My life path is 8. I used my first name and last name to calculate my name numerology.

Should I also include my middle name? If I include it in my calculation, it would result to 78. I like to change my name but the problem is in our country it's not easy to change names.

You have to file it in a court I think and it costs too much and I can't afford it. I will be waiting for your reply.

Reply by Kannan M

Yes. You must include your middle name, surname, and if you have initials like R.S, you have to include R and S too. The cost of name numerology correction is too small when you compare the benefits you get like good health, good luck, and good social status.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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For Life Path 8

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Nov 26, 2014
Pls advise name correction NEW
by: Dada Khalandar Shaik

Pls advise name correction

Aug 19, 2011
Name Advise
by: Shaik

Hi, We have been blessed with baby boy on 08/08/2011 between 2:50- 3am, could u pls advise lucky number and name for Baby (Arabic/Urdu origin)

Dada Khalandar Shaik

Reply By Kannan M

Dear Sir, sorry for the late reply. If you are interested in truly giving a lucky name to your kid, kindly apply to me for proper name correction. does not matter if you have already given him an unlucky name. There is still time. You can correct it.

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