by g3
(United States)
As per name numerology, my name adds up 93. My Life Path adds up 26. My birth day is 10.
If I change my name to a 14 + 8 + 19 = 41 name, will it be good?
Reply by Kannan M
Modern scientific developments in name numerology revolve not only around numbers. It measures the vibes in the name components and the overall name. If these vibes are good, then your name is lucky.
If not you can have your name in the luckiest number and yet it will be unlucky for you. Not only this. You have to further verify if your name is really lucky by astrology calculations.
A name to be perfect has to be correct as per all these three sciences. Even if it fails one test, we reject that name.
Therefore correct your name as per this most modern and scientific system and have a flawless name and lucky life.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.