Name Numerology After
by dorris
(San Rafael, CA.)
According to Name Numerology, my birth name number is a 7 which I stopped using since getting married. I now go by my married name which is a 6 and I find that Im much more lucky than I was before. My life number is a 7.
If I continue to go by my married name, will I enjoy the luck associated with No. 6??
Reply by Kannan M
Your name is Dorris. It comes in 19. How do you say that your name is in 6. May be you added your initial or surname to arrive ar 6. If you are lucky after marriage, you can continue using Dorris.
Otherwse, may be you want to be more lucky in your life. In that case, you have to correct your name as per name numerology.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.