Name Numerology And
My Unlucky No.8

by anonymous

As per name numerology my numbers are 8 & 1. I was born on 26/06/1976. I had very good childhood, everything found. As I said goodbye to my childhood, I said goodbye to my good time as well.

I had such a bad teen age with some of physical assault by my cousin and up to today I am quiet about it. I went through a lot of family problems that are still carrying on.

Our family had a bad image in society and we became a reason for gossips. I was innocent in all that but still part of same blood.... I graduated somehow with so much difficulties as money was hard in family..

But then sudden god showered us with money and I did the best professional course in the market. but all ends here again. I did such a struggle to find a job that I can write a book about it...

Till today I am jobless. I am so hard working but always worked for such a little money and became a laughing subject to my friends... but I still carried on as I though something is better than nothing and then I got married overseas.

I thought it might be the end of my bad luck but it was beginning of another bad life time... I had extreme abusive marriage and I ended up in painful divorce.. I am married again and this time again overseas. This is an okay marriage.

We have problems but we are doing fine. I had miscarriage in 2008 and I did not take it well. I went through a lot of emotional trauma.. perhaps my tolerance with this unlucky life is getting short. I am without work again for last two years, This is me and my unlucky number 8.

Reply by Kannan M

Do not worry. It is by God's Grace you have come to take my assistance. A perfect name will make you lucky and your dreams will come true. Be bold and go for name correction.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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