Name Numerology -Does
Initial Matter?
by pinkz
I liked your articles on name numerology. I was born on 17/04/1990 hence my life path number comes to 4 and day number 8. Yes. Success hardly comes to me but I have met it some times in life.
It has been tough, and yes I have been a bit unlucky in my love life too. His birth date is 26/7/1990. And he just left. Anyway my query should I consider my initial while calculating my name number?
Currently my name number comes to 31 (not considering initial) and 33 when I consider my initial. Will Priyanka be a good name for me?
Reply by Kannan M
No. That will be more unlucky than your present name. You have to contact me on a professional basis by applying through the web site.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.
And one last request. Please, please, please, do not use writing short cuts like i for I, plz for please, u for you, ur for your, and Im for I am. I do not have the time to correct all your mistakes.
And when you begin a sentence or a proper name, kindly begin with the Capital letter. Do your full stops in the correct places. It will help me to answer your name numerology questions better.