Name Numerology
For 1 8 9

by Suyi

As per name numerology I want to know this. What does day number 1, life number 8, and name number 9 means? Is it bad?

Reply by Kannan M

A life number in 8 does not promise you happiness in your later life. Say after 30 years, you will face a lot of hardships and bad luck. You are born with 1 & 8.

8 as Saturn's number can give you incurable diseases, accidents, fire, thefts, robbery, road side attacks, and miseries.

A name number in 9 does not help either. A name has to be perfect by name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. It must be perfect by sound, vibrations, and its meanings.

And there must not be internecine conflicts between the name components, your birth day numerology numbers, and your name number. Take expert help to decide your perfect name and enjoy luck even with these numbers in this very life.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

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Name Numerology
For 1 & 4

by Alex Anicattu Varughese

According to name numerology, I am born on 01.08.1975. Life was bad from my younger days. Parents passing away early in life and life was a struggle. No property, no house

Got married late. I have a kid born on 08.03.2010. I feel life has become even more worse for me with this. I am sick from the day my child is born.

I had put his name as Reuben Anicattu Alexander. Life is in a big mess for me. What to do?

Reply by Kannan M

You are born with good number of 1 & 4. But you have an unlucky name in 75 which is 3 which neither gets benefit from your 1 or your 4. You have wasted the legacy of your numerology numbers.

You kid is born with 8 & 5 as per name numerology. You have named him in 81 or 9. His 8 is inimical to your 3, your 4, and to your 9. When you have so many inimical forces, how can you face luck?

You have to correct your name as per name numerology, if you want to spend your remaining life in peace and happiness.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

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