Name Numerology
For 2 & 9
by B Sreekanth
As per name numerology I was born on 20.10.1977, my name is Sreekanth .B My day number is 2 and life number is 9.
My name number is 7. I want to start new business in wooden flooring. Is it lucky for me. In what number can I choose my business name. Is my name is lucky?
Reply by Kannan M
7 is inimical to your life number 9. Your name is unlucky as per the rules of name numerology, and you must correct it. Then only you must think of a good business name and seek expert advice to design your business name. Do not try to go for free advice please. It will not benefit you in any way.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.