by Siddharth Gautam
(Uttar Pradesh(India))
As per name numerology my Date of Birth is 22-04-1991. My Name is Siddharth Gautam. My Day No. is 4 which gives me Obstacles in whatever I do in any field.
Since my childhood I have struggled very much in my studies and I never got the desired result in my studies.
Since Childhood I never got good friends in life except my parents. My friends became jealous of me in whatever I do, they wanted to make me down in my work due to the evil effects of some thing bad in my name numerology. What it is I want to know.
Is it all because of the presence of an Evil No. 4 in my Birth date but I have the name numerology Life Path of No.1 which is very special for me due to the presence of Life path 1.
I have succeed to an extent in my life but not that which I deserved. I have seen lots of 4 Born people Struggling in every field in their lives. Is it due to the name numerology of 4?
There are lots of failures I have faced in my Life up till now which I cannot share with you here. I have shared this problem to many Numerologists but they could not give me its solution.
Sir, If you have any solution of how to cure No.4 born people then Please tell. I will be very grateful to you.
Reply by Kannan M
29 + 19 = 48
29 is an evil number in your first name. Its name numerology is terrible. 4 & 8 are inimical in 48. so your life will be problematic.
The written name's vibes and the spoken name's vibes are opposite to each other mutilating the name effect. These vibes are different in both your first name and 2nd name.
There is no numerology compatibility between 2 & 9 in 29 and between 4 & 8 in 48. Therefore your name fails to be a good name.
If you come to me I shall design your name which will be perfect as per astrology, name numerology, body mind vibrations, and bioenergetics. Then only you can enjoy a positive and fruitful life.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.