Name Numerology
For 4 & 5

by Mr Eng

My name numerology goes like this. I am born with Day No. 4 and life path number 5. I have chosen some names as follows:

Johnie Eng(24+13=37)
Adam Eng(10+13=23)
Andrew Eng(23+13=36)
James Eng(14+13=27)
William Eng(19+13=32)

Kindly suggest me which one is the best, in general for career, love, wealth and prosperity. I am looking forward for your kind reply.

Reply by Kannan M

Apparently, the last one is good as per bookish name numerology, but it may not pass the tests of bioenergetics, Lecher antenna measurements, and the other tests by horary astrology.

In that case it must be fine tuned to suit your body/brain/mind vibrations or else it will do you more harm than good. That is the basic drawback in traditional numerology and bookish numerology.

I do not base my calculations on traditional name numerology alone. A name has its name parts and an overall effect and each of it has a vibration and it is not defined by a mere number like 41 or 32.

It is measured in lambdas calibrated on the Lecher antenna. One man's food may be another's poison. In the same way, just because traditional numerology acclaims that 32 is a good number it need not suit you and it can be inimical to your brain body make up.

In that case, it will slow you down, slow down your internal metabolism, thinking powers, and decision making skills. Then the name becomes downright unlucky for you. Why take all these risks?

We are here to test all possibilities in all branches of name numerology for you and confirm if a name is really lucky to you or not. I recommend that you take advantage of the modern science and technology that goes into the design of names. Good Luck.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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For 4 & 5

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Dec 29, 2010
Is It A Lucky Name?
Name Numerology

by: siva

I have seen your program many times in the Television Channels. My son was born on 22/12/2010 Day no :4 Life no:1. I have formed a name for my son as follows. S.Kausheck Ram 3+27+7=37

Is it correct or not? As per this result I have to take a decision to make a correction to my name and my family member.

Reply by Kannan M

This name is highly incorrect. Spelling is defective, meaning is wrong, and Ram has a big negativity which is not compensated. What you have tried is bookish numerology with out any concern to the vibrations. This technique fails miserably.

In less developed days people took such bookish numerologyadvice blindly but the success rate was too low. Only when you take into account astrology and bioenergetics, you can formulate a perfect name.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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