Name Numerology For 4 & 8
And Animal Farm

by Ravi

As per name numerology I was born on 04-02-1982. My name is V.Ravi. Education: Completed MSc in Environmental science
profession: Environmental Officer (project).

Problems: I am a middle class person and I am unmarried. My life is neither good not not bad. This year I am starting an animal farm (poultry, cattle rearing with agri).

This is under construction, the production is planned to start April onwards, but I am facing lots of problems with the bank loan and from the friends (who are investors in my business).

I planned that I should spend 25% of the profit to the rural school children for scientific research.

My questions are as follows. Is it suitable for me? Which one is the correct name of farm? Is it Veenus Farm / Vanni Animal Farm? Why the process is not fast? When my problems will end?

Reply by Kannan M of Lucky Name Numerology:

Your birth numbers are 4 & 8. You are troubled by Saturn in 8. That is why you face problems. Your name does not suit your astrology and bioenergetics. It is also not correct as per name numerology.

If you want, I shall correct your name scientifically as per numerology. I will also confirm its accuracy by astrology.

I also verify its luck by scientific measurements with the Lecher Antenna. For this you must apply through the contact form in this web site. You have to act on the expert advice you get.

Only my method checks your name numerology compatibility by numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics using Lecher Antenna and Acmograph. Therefore you are advised to correct your name and the name of your business.

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