Name Numerology
For 7 & 7

by santhi

As per name numerology, I am born on 7 May 1975. My day number is 7 and Life number is also 7. I am a single mother with 2 kids (boys). I am now living separately with my parents. Please tell me how is my future.


I request you to note how my writings on the name numerology for No. 7 have come true in your life. 7 has made you live separately away from your husband. 7 has prevented marital happiness in your life. It will not allow for material prosperity either. This number suits only for ladies in the service of God. It does not suit you.

As per name numerology, 7 is not good for housewives, ladies, or girls. It is not good for boys or men too. Therefore you can not expect a bright future with 7. Your only remedy is to correct your name. I advice you to apply for name correction through the contact page. in this web site on Lucky Name Numerology.

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