Name Numerology For 8
Name numerology of No.8 is not to be confused with bad luck. It is certainly not simple or easy, but it holds a great reward in the END for those who adhere to the universal principle of JUSTICE.
Ignorance is the bad luck here, when one does not accept the possibility of life's tests and the relief of its rewards just after. It is a peculiar life path but an extraordinary one. That would be probably be the fate that one has to accept.
You are right in one way. The 8 people go through punishment for their earlier crimes and once they enjoy the results of the punishment, they become purified, and become the sweet children of God or Fate.
For them the rewards are really greater than for the ones who enjoy now and suffer later. No. 8 has produced very great Saints, and many Scholars, and judges.
It has produced great scientists too. But it must be remembered that name numerology had helped them to pass the tests of Saturn with ease and come out successful.