Name Numerology
For Arnav

by dhananjay
(varanasi,uttar pradesh,INDIA)

My son was born at 1st march 2010. We select his name Arnav. Is it suitable as per name numerology.

Reply by Kannan M

ARNAV is defective in vibrations. It cuts down and suppresses his life energies. He cannot be successful any where. It is going to be unlucky for your child. Better get his name corrected by an expert if you want your son to be happy in his life.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

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For Arnav

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Oct 28, 2014
Arnav is very good NEW
by: Anonymous

As per numerology Arnav is very good combination.

Mar 13, 2013
Name suggest NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, My child birth date is 18 oct 2012 and time is 6:16 PM. Born in Noida, U.P (India).

Can you please let me know what name should we put for his bright future.
We are thinking for putting his name "Reyansh Agarwal". Please let us know your views on same.

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