Name Numerology For
Happiness In Life

by Sajal kanti das.

Following are the details of my name numerology. My birth date No. is 10. My name is Sajal Kanti Das. But according to my numerology numbers I am not successful in life.

I want to change all this and I want to change my name.

Reply by Kannan M

Your name numerology is as follows.

SAJAL KANTI DAS = 9 + 13 + 8 = 30

There is conflict between 4 and 8 in 13 and Das. The last name has difference in written and spoken sound vibrations.

Moreover it is in 8 or Saturn. Saturn will give you only miseries, misfortunes, accidents, and sorrows.

Therefore your name is not lucky. You must correct your name.

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Name Numerology For
Business Name

by yogesh

I give below my details for name numerology. My name is Yogesh. My company's name is strategic. I know I need to change this company name because I am not finding any progress.

Please tell me by which letter should I change it or start the company with a new name.

Reply by Kannan M

If it is that easy to give a business name all the companies in the world will be successful. Your company name is as important as your personal name. First you must correct your own name.

Then you must correct your company's name. It is an expert's job. You can not do it like you can not build a house. You need an architect and his team. Same thing applies to business numerology.

You have to apply to us In my name numerology web site and get your Company's Business Name corrected to get maximum profits.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.

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Name Numerology For
My Bright Future


What is the name numerology prediction for my name Ravi Dutt? The work which I open it is not running long and I can't save money. Please advise me on the right business as per numerology for a bright future.

Reply by Kannan M

Ravi Dutt measures in 10 + 18 = 28. 28 is a regressive number. It will always pull you down. In name numerology we say it is like climbing on a fully greased pole. You fall down again and again.

However much you try you can not see the ray of success. The trouble is also with the name numerology of Dutt. It is defective as there is difference in the written sound vibration and spoken sound vibration.

It causes bad luck. To rectify this you have to correct your name.

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Name Numerology For
Name Number 34

by sunil

My name is Sunil Biswal. What is my name numerology name number and what are its characteristics that affect me?.

Reply by Kannan M

SUNIL is in 18. But it is defective as it means SU + NIL which means nothing good. It is defective phonology in name numerology.

BISWAL is in 16. It is also not good as it comes in 7. It prevents your success in love, marriage, married life , birth of kids, and finance.

The total number for Sunil Biswal is 18 + 16 = 34. It is again 7 and it doubly attacks you with all these above mentioned troubles.

To save yourself and enjoy life you must correct your name.

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Name Numerology For
Name Number 51

by Justin

My name numerology details are as follows. I have a total name number of 51 and I am born with 1 & 8. How good is it or is it bad?

Reply by Kannan M

No. 51 can not save you from accidents, fire, theft, and day light robberies caused by 8. For this you must have a perfect name not only as per name numerology.

Your name must be correct in every one of the name components. Not only that. There should not be internecine conflicts in vibrations in any of the name component, between the name components and between the name components and the overall name.

This is basic grammar in my system of name numerology. In your case there are certainly vibrational defects. I tell you this because except me no one measures the vibrations in a name or in its name components.

If you do not ensure perfection in your name you will face all your present troubles. To avoid this correct your name with out any defects.

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