by subhosree maitra
I want to know if name numerology will help me to conceive a child. My life was smooth before 20th March 2006. On that day I lost my mother and then problems started on a regular basis.
2007 was not bad. In that year I met my boy friend and we decided to get married. In 2009 we got married and I shifted from Kolkata to Pune.
Otherwise it is a smooth life but problems are different. Now a days I am trying to conceive but it is not happening. I am a bit disturbed with this.
I request you to advise me if a name correction as per name numerology in your scientific system will help me to conceive a child.
Reply by Kannan M of Lucky Name Numerology
Yes. Name numerology will help you like this. When you correct your name as per numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics, you will help the planets to come forward to bless you with success in your efforts to get a baby.
A perfect name correction will certainly enable to to conceive. For this apply through the contact page.
by Suresh SM
I read your site on name numerology quite frequently. I want your expert opinion on how I can better my personality and business prospects for myself.
Nothing special about me, I am married and I have an excellent kid(boy), and I am running my own business. Things are going quite good and I am expecting for further developments and considerable growth. Please advice.
Reply by Kannan M
Hi suresh, You do indeed look very handsome in your photo. Thanks for the participation in this name numerology web site. Will you touch your heart and say for sure that you do your actions at 100 percent efficiency? No. Possibly you function at your 35% or 45% efficiency.
With this kind of efforts you will have limited prospects for income and growth. If alone you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics, you will function far more efficiently by say 70% and more.
When you do that your personality matures, your brain works faster, you take the correct decisions, you live with the correct habits, and you develop your business much more efficiently.
Name Numerology bestows on you to power to attract other people. You get more helping friends, you get more clients, you get more business, and you lead a more satisfied personal life. To achieve all this you have to apply for name correction in the contact form given in this web site.