Name Numerology For
Home And Car

My name is Bandish Pithwa (Middle Name : Shantilal). As per your scientific system of name numerology, My DOB : 25-05-1979 (7,2).

My question is do I need correction in my name. Also which color I should avoid to wear or not take that color car or any accessories.
Also if I have to take a new home what should be its number?

My Wife is born on 28th June 1978
My Son is born on 11-11-2010
My daughter has 17-10-2007

I give these details to tell the lucky number for the new house which should be favorable to all for growth, health, happiness and success.

Reply by Kannan M

I thank you for your submission on name numerology. I receive several hundreds of such submissions every day. Hence it is not possible to answer each submission. I reply to only a select few.

If you really want to enjoy a lucky, richer, and prosperous life by this scientific system of numerology, it is better for you to approach me directly for name correction, baby names, business names, wedding date defects rectification, to know the lucky date and time for starting a company or to know the auspicious date and time for your wedding.

You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site. Fill in your particulars and send it to me. I shall take care of the rest.

The Big Difference

Other numerologists give names by blind belief by out dated bookish numerology. It is quite useless for you.

But we design our names by scientific methods by numerology, astrology, Bio Energetics, tests with Lecher Antenna and energy measurement readings on the energy meter Acmograph.

Hence you get sure luck and prosperity when you come to us.

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Home And Car

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Dec 02, 2021
Power of numbers
by: M.Vignaraja

Numerology based on date of birth is not correct method. Individual Horoscope should be referred for numorlogy or Vashtu .Based on Planet's Strength,
Number is decided.For an example If planet Sun is strong make the name total as : 1 and fovourable colour becomes Red , favourite day Sunday likewise it is Analised and matched with corresponding Stars.Some say that those who are born 8 ,17 ,26,and again born oo 4,13,22 are unlucky people .No:8 is ruled by Saturn,if planet Saturn good in horosecope means fine .no: 4 is ruled by Ragu .if Ragu is good in horosecope means Riches. Corona : no 7 & Covid 19 : no 4, Ruled by Kethu & Ragu respectively, Mysterious Planets ,the Names are such that Virus is still on Rampage.. Mutation.. new Omicron is no:2 ,that is moon.So effectiness must be far lesser than covid-19. So i emmpessise Horosecope is Basic. Merely seeing the date of birth and deciding things is Wrong.
Ph no: 7339140617

Apr 16, 2012
gem for mercury and venus NEW
by: Yaswant Kushwaha

I am very much devoted to you and your website. I am fond of numerology. Thats why I study your site in detail with every updates. You have written that for mercury, a person should wear diamond/zircon and for venus, emerald. But the others books and sites writes reverse i. e. a person should wear diamond/zircon for venus and emerald for mercury. What a big difference? Please clear the concept. Similaryis my name correct? with life no=1 and day no=8.(Birth:-17-08-1983)

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