Is My Name Lucky Or Unlucky?
Name Numerology

by katrovath.chander

Following are my name numerology details for your expert advice. My name in K. Chander. Date of birth not known. My friends call me Chandu. Is it lucky or unlucky? How am I to make my life lucky?

Reply by Kannan M

Your name differs in spoken sound vibes and written sound vibes. This is a big negativity in your name numerology. As long as you have this name you will remain unlucky.

The name chandu also is not lucky for you. It has the same defect. It is also unlucky in other ways. As per name numerology your first name should be your nick name and calling name.

You should not have two different names. Now to make your life lucky the only option left to you is that you correct your name.

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Name Numerology
In Love Matters

by soni sahni

I want your name numerology advice regarding my love. He is Akash in my institute. I am in love with him and he takes me as a good friend. But I really love him. Will our mutual love become a reality?

Reply by Kannan M

Your name is SONI SAHNI. Its numerology numbers come in 16 + 15 = 31. The 7 in 16 prevents success in love, marriage, marital affairs, kids, and finance. The overall name number 31 is also unlucky.

Akash comes in 12 or 3. There is no numerology love compatibility between your name and his numerology name.

Therefore with this unlucky first name in 16 name numerology you can not expect success in your love. You have to correct your name.

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Name Numerology Advise
For My Son

by A.Anandan

I request your name numerology advice for my son A Anandan. How is his name? Is it lucky? Kindly advise.

Reply by Kannan M

When you ask queries under this section you have to provide details of birth date and full name. In this case I do not know whether A Anandan is your son's name. If it is, it is not a lucky name for him.

The sound vibes of the name and written sound vibes of the name differ. This makes the name unlucky. If you want to make it lucky you have to correct his name.

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Name Numerology For
Love and Marriage

by Robins Nananubhai Rajwadi
(surat ,Gujrat , india)

I want to share with you my name numerology on my love matter. My name is Robins Rajwadi. I am a musician in a 5 star hotel. I want to become a music director. But my study is in civil Engg.

I like my talent of music. And my fiancee's name is Sapna. Her numerology name numerology is in 9. We are in love. This November on 8/11/2011 we will marry each other.

I hove so many problems with her. But I still love her. And she also loves me. I don't know. We do have problems often but I can not live without her.

Reply by Kannan M

I am sad to hear that you plan to get married on 8-11-2011. It is a date of 8 & 5. No one should ever get married on these dates as per my system of name numerology. Your marriage will end in failure.

I examined both your names. Problems exist. There is no numerology love compatibility in your names. To get that you have to correct your names and consult me on your correct wedding date.

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Name Numerology For
Numbers 1 & 4

by Inderjit Singh Gill

I give here my name numerology details for your expert advice. I was born on 1.8.1975. My Life was very difficult as a child in that my father died at age 12 and I was also hit by a car that same year.

My mother had a stroke when I was 16. I got married when I was 22. I have been injured numerous times. Falls and car accidents. Money never stays. It comes and goes just as fast.

Reply by Kannan M

I examined your name as per my system of numerology by 4/5 tests. The name fails in every test. It has a basic defect. The 17 in Singh is not compensated in your name. It is 8 or Saturn.

It gives all your miseries, misfortunes, and sorrows.

Further your name's pronunciation vibes are different from the written sound vibes. This causes bad luck as per name numerology.

Hence if you want an enjoyable life you must correct your name.

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Name Numerology About
Nick Name & Signature

by krishna chaitanya
(kakinada,andhra pradesh,india)

I want to consult you about my name numerology needs. I am a student studying engineering 3rd year. I am very much interested in numerology. I would like to change my name according to my date of birth 19/09/1991.

By changing my name I would like to lead a successful life with out any problems. I am fond of money and I respect in the society. So by changing my name I would like to get those and be peaceful and happy forever. Please give me some suggestions.

I am called as Chaitanya or Chaitu by many of my friends and family members. I sign as A.K.chaitanya. Is it correct as per name numerology? Please suggest me how to change my signature.

Reply by Kannan M

Your first name should be the nick name. As such you have two names and it is not good for you. The initials must come behind and not in front of the name. Better to have no initials and have a 2 word name.

I have thoroughly examined your name. It is defective in many ways. I shall correct your signature and give you the lucky signature for a fee after you correct your name.

If you want to realize your ambitions, you must correct your name and signature as per my system of name numerology.

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Name Numerology For War
And Ran In Your Name

by Logeswaran
(KL, Malaysia)

I share with you my name numerology details for your advice. Date of birth: 28/5/2011. Name: Logeswaran. The above detail shows that the day number and life path number both is 1.

It indicates that it is entirely ruled by Sun alone. I believe that the power of Sun is very much less in me. I lack the ability and behavior which I should have if the power of Sun is well balanced.

How to increase the power of Sun so that I can achieve success. What am I supposed to do?

I have a special interest in name numerology. I read a lot about it online and in books. Kindly tell which name number is best for me.

As far as I know name number 37 and 46 are the best in the 1 series.

My current name number is 36. I believe as per name numerology it will not bring any good results for those born under 1. After reading online articles and books I like to change my name to Logeswaaran.

Just add a as an extra letter to make it 37. Is it fine? Kindly advise.

Reply by Kannan M

Your proposed name is defective. It is unwise to have the expressions war and ran in your name. These make the whole name unlucky as per correct name numerology.

If you want to achieve success you have to correct your name.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

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