Name Numerology For

by Mahadev Natha Mali
(Navi mumbai, Maharashtra, India)

As per name numerology definitions, I am born on 18th March 1968. I lost my mother in 09th july 1989. I lost my father in 18th September 1992 and I lost my younger brother 06th September 2003 in their early age.

I went abroad (Bahrain) on 30th November 2004 and returned on 20th November 2006. I joined business on 10th December 2006 and left on 31st July 2009 due to conflict between partners.

Now I joined a Construction business and an Engineering Business since 01st august 2009.

I am married on 17th May 1993 and my wife's birthdate is 25th June 1971. My elder daughter born on 31st March 1994 and son born on 21st August 1997. My Flat No. is 605 in building no.3, I have car bearing no.MH-43-R-5930.

Reply by Kannan M

You are born with 9 & 9. A good set of numbers. Your name is Mahadev Natha Mali is made up of 26 + 16 + 9 =51. Even though 51 is lucky for you 26 and 16 are not. They rob the benefits of 9 and 51.

Therefore, your name is defective as per name numerology. If you want better success, peace of mind, good health, and happiness at least here after, it is better for you to correct your name.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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