Name Numerology
For Mansoor
by mansoor h a
I seek your help through name numerology. I am H.A.Mansoor. My date of birth is 26 9 1990. I have struggles in my whole life till now. Now i wants the solution from you.
Reply by Kannan M
Your numerology numbers are 8 and 8. The numerology name meaning for Mansoor does not form a proper numerology match for your bithdate numerology.
If you study numerology of 8, you know it always gives you miseries, misfortunes, and sorrows in life. Therefore, correct your name and then you will have a happy life.
For this you have to apply in the contact page of this world's best loved name numerology site.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.