Name Numerology For
Name Number 78
by Katherina Del Castillo
I really respect what you do with name numerology. I like to ask you about my name and my numbers. I was born on May 13, 1981. My name is Katherina Del Castillo. My total name sum is 78 or # 6 and no explanation is available in your site about the # 78.
Now my question is, can I have that name with my life and day number? Please let me know as my husband is getting ready to pay you for this service because he really believes in what you do.
Reply by Kannan M
Katherina Del Castillo comes in 26 +12+ 25 =63. Note the Saturn in your 1st name and Ketu or 7 in your last name. Saturn gives miseries, misfortunes, sorrows, accidents, and failures.
Number 25 or 7 or Ketu prevents marital success and material prosperity. Thereofre this is an evil name. Better to correct it at once. Refer to my page where I have written about 78 in detail.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.