Name Numerology For Name Number 87.

by Florence
(Great Britain)

As per name numerology, I am born with 8 & 4. My name is Florence. Its full name number is 49. My husband is born with 6 & 5, but he has a name in 87. I just want your expert opinion about our birth day numerology numbers and numerology name numbers. I also want to start a small business and I need a small business name.

Reply By Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology

I don't know how much really you are interested in your name numerology request for a small business name. However, I have emailed quoting my price. Whatever be your attitude, I take your request quite seriously.

Your name is in 49 which is good only for a 4 & 9 or 9 & 4. You are born with 8 & 4. Therefore, your name is not lucky as per name numerology.

Your husband's name is in 87 which is the most evil number in numerology. He will be highly unlucky in his life if he does not correct his name. Forget about how much lucky he is at present.

Fate is so powerful that big big business tycoons and princes die in bar fights, air crashes, and due to sudden virus attacks like H1N1 pig flues. Inscrutable are the ways for God. He works through numerology numbers.

Just because you are lucky today does not guarantee that you tomorrow's life will be lucky, happy, or successful. This you can assure yourself when you cloak yourself with the invisible dress of name numerology with a powerful name.

Hence, he has to correct his name too. He is born with 6 & 5. An extremely lucky combination. But he wastes it with a useless evil name. Thought you must know. If you want, kindly apply through the contact page.

Kannan M
Lucky Name Numerology

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