Name Numerology For
New Business

by Nandakishore

I want your name numerology advice to start a business. Presently I work with a Private Organization in Hyderabad. I work in Banking Sector and Property Management.

Still I am not settled. Recently I lost my Job. I Started my Business in marketing mineral water and Service Apartments. This business belongs to my friends.

I got married on 26-April-2007. Still no kids.I want start my own business. I request your kind guidance.

Reply by Kannan M

Your marriage date is defective. It has 8 & 3. The 8 in this combination is delaying for you your child birth.

It is good that you want name numerology guidance before you start your own business. First correct your name. Then have your perfect business name designed by me. For both you have to apply through the contact page in this site.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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