Name Numerology
For Nasreen Ali

by Nasreen Ali

Can you apply your name numerology to my name Nasreen Ali? I am born with congenital problems in my legs. I didn't have a normal childhood. After lots of pain I find some kind of happiness. By fate all my problems get solved. Of course some other problem comes by then.

Reply by Kannan M

You have clearly stated that you get problems after problems in your life. Instead of getting happiness after happiness, you get the opposite. This is the difference between good luck and bad luck. Or it is the difference between a lucky name and an unlucky name.

Nasreen comes in 26 and refers to Saturn. He gives you a fleet of never ending troubles. Ali comes in 5 and when it adds to Nasreen it comes in 31, which is an unlucky number in numerology. My advice is better correct your name as per my system of name numerology.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Examine My Numerology
For Number 8

As such I find life very tough and I want to seek help from name numerology. My name is Hoe Zong Huan. Is it better to change it to Hoe Zhong Huan? If you advise change, can you do it according to the norms in our language, country, and culture?

Reply by Kannan M

Yes. That is just what I do. I have corrected names for the Chinese, Koreans, Germans, French people, Indians, Americans, Britishers, Australians, and for every one else.

I do name correction for any one in any part of this world since my system of name numerology is acclaimed as famous as the most scientific. People from all countries take help through my name correction. They apply to me through the contact page in this site.

If you also want to enjoy success in your life you have to correct your name as per my system of name numerology. 8 is too dangerous to live with and it is better for you to correct your name.

But your proposed correction is defective. You need to take expert help to achieve the perfect correction by name numerology and then only you will be lucky and prosperous in your life.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology.

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Name Numerology For
Shivananda Aithal

by shivananda aithal
(Bangalore karnataka india)

I look forward to a solution through name numerology. I am Shivananda Aithal from Bangalore. I am without job from 2003. I passed out then but till now I did not get any job. Kindly advise me.

Reply by Kannan M

I examined your name. It is defective according to name numerology. In that case it will put obstacles and difficulties in your progress. You must correct your name if you want to enjoy success.

Even though you are highly talented, unless you have a perfect name, you can not come up in this world of competition.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology.

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