Comments for Name Numerology For
Number 3 & 5

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Aug 16, 2014
Predict my future NEW

I would like to know my future, my hubby's name and his characters, my career and our love life and when will my difficult times'l get over. plz help me ..
24-sep-1990, 7.16 AM, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dec 29, 2012
Contradicting NEW
by: Vida

You suggested in your website page that for day number 3 and life path 8, a name correction in 3, 5, and 1 or9 ( some places it is mentioned as 9, in other places it is 1, i don't know what you actually meant, may b it was a typo error) is lucky. But to Ms. Sarojini who is having the same combination you have replied that her name which totals to 21 or 3 is inimical to 8. So your opinion is contradicting with the other. Please revisit your web pages and post the correct one if it was a typo error. Readers get confused.

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