Name Numerology
For Number 5

by anonymous

As per name numerology, My day number is 5. My life number is 5. And My name number is 5 (2+3)= 5. Is there somebody else with same set of numerology numbers? What is your experience?

Reply by Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology

This is a good and interesting aspect in your life. As per name numerology you have to be outstandingly successful. If not, it means that your name is defective even though your numerology numbers and name numbers are perfect.

As per numerology meanings, this can happen to you if you have negative syllables in your name, surname, initial, or in any other part of your name. Many people annexe the husband's name after marriage.

If your use your wife's or husband's name with your first name, that too must be perfect with 100 percent numerology vompatibility. Otherwise it is better not to take the husband's name after yours.

As per name numerology there should not be internecine conflicts between the name components and with the overall name.

As per Vedic Numerology, your overall name should vibrate well with each name component and it also must have powerful positive vibration. Your name must be correct as per horary astrology. If not, you will face problems and bad luck in all aspects of your life path.

You can correct this situation and achieve good luck and progress only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

You have not given your name or revealed your identity. If you tell your life's story with your proper full name, date of birth, and pet names, it will help all other readers.

I am sure others with number 5 will also post their story in this thread. Thank you for opening a hot and useful topic.

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For Number 5

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Aug 17, 2010
name numerology for number 5
by: Anonymous

Thanks for reply Mr. Kannan M . One year ago I separated from my husband and after that I had much more luck in my life. His day number is 8, life No 4 and name number is 2 (8+3).

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