Name Numerology For
by rakesh
I visit your site on name numerology quite often and I like it. My name is Rakesh. Is it good for me? My life is in great trouble. I am worried about my my carrier, life, and every thing. Please help me.
Reply by Kannan M
Do not worry. RAKESH comes in 18 and it will be unlucky if you are a 2 born or 7 born. You must not have a wife or business partner in birh number or name number 7 or 2.
You can not have a business name or brand name in 2 or 7. Why face all these troubles. Better correct you name in a better vibration that suits your birth numbers, numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.