by Venkat Navaneeth
I have a doubt about my name numerology. My full name is VENKAT NAVANEETH no initials. I was born on 13-06-1984. My day no is 4.
My life no is 5. Does my name have negative vibes? If so which are those vibes making my life hard? Will you advise a name change?
My qualification is M.B.B.S. I want to do M.S in general surgery. So please guide will I be able to make it by getting a merit seat.
Reply by Kannan M
VENKAT is in 23. Navaneeth is in 37. The total number 60 is not correct for your name numerology. The name does not suit your body-mind vibrations.
The negative vibes are more in the second name. Unless you have the instrument and until and unless you are able measure it, you will not be able to smell these vibes.
Leave these professional aspects to me. I shall do it when I correct your name as per the best name numerology that will suit you.
My fee is 365 USD but if by this payment you are going to get resurgence and success, it is well worth the spend. Hence better correct your name.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.