Name Numerology Of
Lara Dutta
by Anupam
As per name numerology, Lara Dutta has a very unlucky name. She has name number 26 = 8. Yet she was crowned Miss Universe. She also has a very successful career in Indian film industries.
Why numerology principles did not work in her case? What could be the reasons?
Reply by Kannan M of Lucky Name Numerology
Lara Dutta was born on Born 16th April 1978. Means Day No. 7 and Life No. 9. But she was not called by the actual pronunciation of that name. People called her Lara Dhatha which equals 7+20=27= 9.
Here the name component 7 is her day number which vibrates very well with the other name component in 20 or 2. The combined name comes in 27. Again note the harmony between 2 and 7 in 27.
The nett result of 9 is her life number which in her case is lucky. This explains why Lara is lucky even though she goes about with a wrong spelling of her name.
9 is not favorable to 2 as well. Apply the principle enemy of enemy is your friend. 2 and 7 both inimical to 9 became 27, which is the Life Number of Lara. As a Life No. it has to do some good to Lara.
The influence of 2 and 7 has diluted the disharmony in 9, making it favor Lara. It is another case study in name numerology where the enmity between 7 & 9 has been neutralized by the influence of 2.
If alone she corrects her name in the spoken vibration, she will be far more lucky. The visitor is advised that yet one has to be wary of 9 & 2 and 9 & 7 as these combinations are too risky to have in life.