Name Numerology Questions

by A Client

The Client Writes: Thank you for your e-mail with your name numerology offer to take on my case. I shall check with my bank and come back with the preferred payment mode, basis information already shared by you.

What type of receipt for payment do you provide please?

Reply by Kannan M


1. I wanted to know what all is included in the package of Rs 15000/-.

2. Does the correction come with explained logic and instructions on my name numerology so one can use permutations combinations of names, number and sequence suggested by you – or does one need to use the exact spelling and sequence suggested in absolute terms?

3. Typically how long after instating the name change suggested, does one begin to see significant changes in life and luck?

4. What are the time lines you need to come back with the name analysis and corrections?

5. To retain confidentiality – is it all right if I send you details of my case over e-mail?

I shall check with my bank and come back with the preferred payment mode, basis information already shared by you.

What type of receipt for payment do you provide please?

Dear Friend, (name removed for confidentiality)

Find all your answers below your questions.


1. I wanted to know what all is included in your name numerology report for the package of Rs 15000/-.

I shall make pre and post analysis of your present name and the corrected name. I shall back it up with logical explanations by name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics measurements with the Lecher Antenna.

I shall give you instructions based on graphology to etch the name in your mind and make you successful. I shall correct your signature and I shall explain how you should practice the name and bring it into effect.

I shall give detailed name numerology instructions on your lucky numbers, lucky days, lucky gems, lucky colors, unlucky numbers, unlucky days, unlucky gems, and unlucky colors, with instructions on how to use them in daily life.

I shall prescribe your lucky signature and guide you on official name change, documentations, and other important things.

2. Does the name numerology correction come with explained logic and instructions so one can use permutations combinations of names, number and sequence suggested by you – or does one need to use the exact spelling and sequence suggested in absolute terms?

Yes. The above reports do pre and post analysis of your name and explain the logic of the new name. No. You can not change the sequence, or spelling of the new name. It must be used as it is.

3. Typically how long after instating the name change suggested, does one begin to see significant changes in life and luck?

You will have what you want every thing in the above reports. If you follow them sincerely, you will see the results as the practice continues. When the practice is full fledged, you will get more signs of improvement, and then it will be habituated in your life.

4. What are the time lines you need to come back with the name analysis and corrections as per your system of name numerology?

Ten working days at the maximum. I have very important clients for name numerology from all over the world. Your request will be placed in line with them. I shall take up each one as per seniority and consider also any urgency implied in the request made.

5. To retain confidentiality – is it all right if I send you details of my case over e-mail?

Yes. You can send your name numerology details over email.

Besides being a successful online numerologist, I am an online astrologer, and online bioenergetician, a doctor in energy medicine who cures people from all over the world from various incurable diseases. As per professional ethics, I maintain the confidentiality with each one of my clients.

correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.

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