I have high regards for your contributions on name numerology in this site. I have gone through your web site thoroughly. My name is Gagan Deep Parihar.
My name is in 55 and my date of birth is 1-10-1993. Is it lucky?
Does it confer success in education and personal life? I want to become the leader of the world. Can I? I hope you will answer this.
Reply by Kannan M
You name has several defects. With this name you can not attain greatness. It is very wrong to have Deep in your name. It varies in spoken and written vibrations.
It also has a negative meaning as per phonology.
Gagan is also bad as it comes in the unlucky name numerology of 13. When you have so many inbuilt defects in your name, how can you attain greatness?
Even though your numerology numbers are 1 & 6, you do not have the birth date numerology compatibility with your name. This aspect is very important to judge success in name numerology.
Therefore if you want to really become great, correct your name.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name.
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by raghavendra.k
Can you please study the name numerology for my name Raghavendra and guide me. I want to know if I shall be able to get for a better job.
Reply by Kannan M
I am sorry to say that you have a most unfortunate name. Such names are only good for saints like Sri Raghavendhra. Not for ordinary humans.
As per name numerology we judge the phonology of the name before we look at any thing else. Your name has two negative letter groups which are END and DRA. This makes your name unlucky.
With this numerology name it is very difficult for you to get a better job. Kindly correct your name if you want to really have better financial prospects in your future life.
You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site. Fill in you particulars and send it to me. I shall take care of the rest.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
Enquiry by Revathi B on 5-06-2012
Can you tell me the benefits of my name particularly for my job because of I am going to do IAS.
Reply by Kannan M
REVATHI B comes in 24 + 2 = 26. It is Saturn's number. Saturn will give you miseries, misfortunes, accidents, and sorrows. Therefore you have to correct your name and then sit for the IAS exam.
by Swati Shetty
I request your advice on my name numerology. I was always lucky before marriage but post marriage for some time I was depressed and not so lucky. But after the birth of my son, I have again achieved success in career and money.
Reply by Kannan M
It means you have a lot of ups and downs in your life which is not good. Like the Moon waxes and wanes your happiness will shift from joy to sorrow. That is not a lucky life.
You have perfect numerology compatibility in your birth day numerology numbers 1 & 4. But your name is defective in name numerology. Why?
Look at the 1st name. It is Swati. It measures in 15. But your sound vibration of Swati is far different from that of its written vibration. This difference makes the name unlucky and powerless to do you any good.
As per name numerology there should not be any disharmony between the written sound vibes and spoken sound vibes in a name. This causes bad luck. It is the basic grammar in numerology compatibility.
This if allowed to continue will develop much more to trouble you a lot in your future with many unhappy events. Better avoid all this by correcting your name as per my system of name numerology.
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by Mohaamed Ali Beg
(Islamabad, Pakistan)
I have already given to you my name numerology picture. My name is Mohaamed Ali Beg, which makes 46 (number 1). I was born on November 28, 1987 which makes my day and life number 1 again.
I am going to start a business for which I have only decided the name yet "HOOD VISUALS" according to both chaldean and pythagorean numberology, it is making number 46.
Again it is same as my own name number. Hood Visuals will be a media production and distribution firm. I'm 23 now.
I strongly believe in the name numerology of numbers and their effects. I need you to tell me, how it would be with life and day number 1, and my name in 1 and my business name in 1 as well.
I have not faced any good or bad things so far. Ups and downs come and go. Simple. But I have come to know about number 28 as the most unlucky numbers among number 1. This is my day number.
What to do with it? No remedy is there. Its a gift of nature, I was born on 28. Would it do any harm to my name numerology in future with regard to myself, the girl I will like, and to my business.
My name components are (4, 5 and 1), life and business number 1 and 46 respectively. I admire your knowledge in name numerology.
Reply by Kannan M
Hood Visuals makes for 23+ 23 = 46. But Hood has a negativity.
Visuals measures well in the 17.6 lambda vibration of the Lecher antenna which makes it lucky for you. But Hood remains unlucky.
I checked the overall vibration of your name with the antenna as well. I find your name is also negative and unlucky.
Therefore, understand that simple numerology does not work. You must combine it with the study of vibrations and counter check the same with astrology.
Your name is highly defective and unless you correct it with expert help, even a good lucky business name will not work for you.
As per name numerology even the most lucky gems will fail in your case if you have an evil name. Your name has many evil elements and kindly get rid of them to become successful.
Your defective name prevents you from having success. The evils in 28 can be overcome if you have a perfect flawless name.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
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by adetia
My name is Adetia. I want you to help me by giving me a name as per name numerology. I want to be successful in my life.
Reply by Kannan M
Your name is ADETIA. It measures 16 as per Chaldean name numerology. 16 means 7 and it is ruled by Lord Kethu. He prevents success in material life and marital life.
He works through his number 7 in mysterious ways.
No. 7 in 16 as per name numerology prevents your success in love, marriage, married life, and birth of kids. This name is not even fit for hermits or vagabonds who roam the streets as beggars.
Because Adetia differs in written and spoken vibrations. This difference kills all the luck in any name. Therefore with this name you can never be lucky. You have to correct your name.
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