by Amaldass ratinsamy
I just want to assure myself that my name is lucky for me as per name numerology. My Name is
Amaldass s/o Ratinasamy
Date of birth is 28/09/1968
The currently name I using is Amaldass.R
I am good in business.
What is my best job for me.
What is best stone for me.
Reply by Kannan M
You are born on 28/09/1968. Means (1 & 7). As per name numerology it is unlucky to be born on the date of 28 and it is more unlucky to have 7 as your Day or life number.
7 prevents success in love, marriage, marital affairs, issue of kids, and finance. It prevents you from enjoying your wealth.
To correct these defects you need to have a super perfect name. As such your name fails in many tests that I do to judge if the name is lucky. Yes. I regret to say that you have an unlucky name.
You will get your details on lucky number, stones, and jobs in the new name numerology report when you get name correction done by me.
Better take my advice and correct your name.
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by ramesh j
I give you my name numerology details for your advice. My name is Ramesh J. My date of birth is 19.03.1964. I need your expert advice.
Reply by Kannan M
RAMESH is your name. It comes in 20 which is an unlucky name number. J gives 1 so your total name comes in 21 or 3 or Jupiter. You are born with 1 & 6 which are excellent numerology numbers.
But you have killed your future by having a name in 3 which is inimical to your life number 6. Secondly Mesh is a negative terminology in any name in my system of name numerology.
Mesh makes your life complicated and you will be engulfed in many kinds of problems. You can not come out and achieve success in life. Hence your name is unlucky and you have to correct your name.
by pradeep sharma
I want to take your help to judge if my name is really lucky or not as per your system of name numerology. My name is Pradeep Sharma. Birth Date is is 28-03-1981 2:10pm.
Opportunities always come to me but in last I do not succeed.
I don't know why now I am really depressed. What I should do or what I should not. Which stone suits me or what remedy I shall do.
Reply by Kannan M
You are born with 1 and 5. But to be born on 28 is very unlucky for any one. Such people can not come up in life if they do not have super perfect names as per my system of name numerology.
I examined your name and it fails in all the 5 tests I do on a name to judge if it is lucky. I regret to advice you that your name has become your worst enemy. It is cause of your grief.
If you want to get rid of your sorrows better correct your name.
I request your help through name numerology. My name is Shubhayan Saha. I am a singer and want to get the fame and want to reach the top.
BUT I am not getting enough scope and the right way for that.
AND I m a bit worried person about this and also nervous to excel in my talent. I have the self confidence but I am not getting the way.
AND I hope by changing my name I can make it as many people in our country did this before and got their success.
Reply by Kannan M
Your name is defective as per name numerology. It is SHUBHAYAN SAHA. It comes in 29 + 10 = 39. Both your first name and overall names are defective. 29 is the worst unlucky number in numerology.
You have got this defective number in your first name.
To realize your ambitions you have to correct your name as per my system of scientific numerology.
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by Jeff
Dear Mr Kannan M,
May I know which of the following names are of good vibes and their energy levels in your name numerology system:
- Erik
- Adam
- Jim
- James
- Jonathen
Thank you very much.
Reply by Kannan M
Dear Jeff, You have asked a question about energy levels and good vibes in these names as per name numerology. This involves measurements with the Lecher Antenna and different tests on an energy machine called Acmograph which again uses Lecher Antenna.
This work involves a lot of time and energy. Therefore, I request you to approach me on a professional basis where a fee is involved for this type of work. Kindly make your application through our web site.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
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