Name Numerology

by johnson

This is johnson, my date of birth: 15/02/1979. i hate my life sir, because since when i was born in this world, till today, each and every day, i meet not peace, face only problems, no money (no single one rupee. till date i don't enjoy my life, my life is like hell sir.

Tell me and help me sir, how will be my life, will I get bright future?

my full name
in church : Israel johnson newton.j
in school college : israel johnson.j
fathers name : joseph.j.p
Mothers name : Rajeshwary
date of birth : 15/02/1979, 11.55am
mail :

Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: Your day no. is 6 but your life no. is 7. The uniqueness of no. 7 brings such sorrows, griefs, and misfortunes to prepare you for a divine life. Therefore, you have to correct your name.

For this you have to apply through the contact form in this web site, providing all the details asked for. You have to act on the expert advice you get.

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Sep 29, 2014
happy NEW
by: israel johnson

this is israel johnson,
i do not believe numerology..
it is a cheating...
if my mind is in my control i can anything.. in this world..

i am happy now.. :)

Sep 29, 2014
happy NEW
by: Anonymous

sir, i do not believe numerology..
it is a cheating...
if my mind is in my control i can anything.. in this world..

i am happy now.. :)

Nov 07, 2013
please delete my personal details in your page, i hate like this... NEW
by: johnson


Pls delete my details in your web site page, if any boy find my mail id via. facebook or any search engines, ur web site.. put my personal details... its hurt my mind and heart..

i hate like this..

so, please delete my personal details in ur web site...

below, i add that details and url...

please delete

thanking you


Name Numerology

by johnson

This is johnson, my date of birth: 15/02/1979. i hate my life sir, because since when i was born in this world, till today, each and every day, i meet not peace, face only problems, no money (no single one rupee. till date i don't enjoy my life, my life is like hell sir.

Tell me and help me sir, how will be my life, will I get bright future?

my full name
in church : Israel johnson newton.j
in school college : israel johnson.j
fathers name : joseph.j.p
Mothers name : Rajeshwary
date of birth : 15/02/1979, 11.55am
mail :

Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: Your day no. is 6 but your life no. is 7. The uniqueness of no. 7 brings such sorrows, griefs, and misfortunes to prepare you for a divine life. Therefore, you have to correct your name.

For this you have to apply through the contact form in this web site, providing all the details asked for. You have to act on the expert advice you get.


Nov 07, 2013
please delete my personal details in your page, i hate like this... NEW
by: johnson


Pls delete my details in your web site page, if any boy find my mail id via. facebook or any search engines, ur web site.. put my personal details... its hurt my mind and heart..

i hate like this..

so, please delete my personal details in ur web site...

below, i add that details and url...

please delete

thanking you


Name Numerology

by johnson

This is johnson, my date of birth: 15/02/1979. i hate my life sir, because since when i was born in this world, till today, each and every day, i meet not peace, face only problems, no money (no single one rupee. till date i don't enjoy my life, my life is like hell sir.

Tell me and help me sir, how will be my life, will I get bright future?

my full name
in church : Israel johnson newton.j
in school college : israel johnson.j
fathers name : joseph.j.p
Mothers name : Rajeshwary
date of birth : 15/02/1979, 11.55am
mail :

Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: Your day no. is 6 but your life no. is 7. The uniqueness of no. 7 brings such sorrows, griefs, and misfortunes to prepare you for a divine life. Therefore, you have to correct your name.

For this you have to apply through the contact form in this web site, providing all the details asked for. You have to act on the expert advice you get.


Dec 10, 2009
Beware of 7
by: Thilla

I agree that 7 brings unhappiness to marriage.

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