Number 8 For Enlightenment
In Name Numerology

by Mani Ravindram

My name numerology birth date is 8/1/1970. My day number and life number both come out to be 8. My birth name is Mani Ravindram. I am a teacher and seeker of God and spirituality.

I came to know that those born with 8 and life path with 8 are supposed to have this life as their last. Is it so? My zodiac sign as per sun sign is Capricorn with Saturn in 8.

How is my name as per Vedic astrology numerology or do I need to change it? Please reply. Awaiting your views.

Reply by Kannan M

Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh was born with 8.

Therefore numerology number 8 gives both extremes of saintliness and crooked behavior.

Let us see your name. It is Mani Ravindram. It measures in 37 and is neither too good nor too bad for your nature.

But Number 8 can give unexpected accidents, incurable diseases, and premature death at the pinnacle of your life with all the riches to enjoy. That will be the saddest moment in your life.

If you are like Ramana Maharshi and you don't care about these things, you can go ahead with your present name.

But if you want to avoid infamy, bankruptcy, and all dangers, you have to correct your name. When you can enjoy the fan in your house why do you suffer in sultry climate. Switch on the fan.

So also here is the most advance scientific system of name numerology which you can use and correct your name. Know that even a Saint needs a lucky name to be a successful saint.

Further your first name in 11 is not so lucky for you. Therefore it is better that you correct your name. There is no harm in using this facility and I recommend to you to correct your name.

You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site. Fill in your particulars and send it to me. I shall take care of the rest.

The Big Difference

Other numerologists give names by blind belief by out dated bookish numerology. It is quite useless for you.

But we design our names by scientific methods by numerology, astrology, Bio Energetics, tests with Lecher Antenna and energy measurement readings on the energy meter Acmograph.

Hence you get sure luck and prosperity when you come to us.

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In Name Numerology

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Nov 02, 2011
What is day number and life path.
by: mani ravindram

My day number is 8 and life number is also 8. What is the difference between them.
Would you also be considering my zodiac sun sign/ moon sign as a ruling planet for name change?

Kindly go through my website more thoroughly. what ever I do is scientific because I am an energy scientist. I do astrology, numerology, bio energetics, Lecher antenna vibration measurements and so many other things which are never done by any other numerologist in the world.

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