Numerology of Brad Pitt
And Angelina Jolie

by bora nr

Kindly comment on the numerology of Brad Pitt(26) born on 9-12-1963 (4) and Angelina Jolie(41) born on 4-6-1975 (5).

Are these two people really compatible with each other.? Brad Pitt has a name numerology of 26 (one of the worst numbers) but still is a hit. What's your say?

Angelina Jolie is in a series of 5 so does that mean she is capable of making is big in the entertainment world?

Reply by Kannan M

Sanjay Gandhi was a hit in his times but he was hit dead in a plane accident. Such is the effect any one will face if he keeps this deadly evil name In 26. Remember a lamp shines powerfully before it dies.

Pitt has an evil vibration which will surely attack any one on one day.

As per numerology, Brad has 9-12-1963 or 9 & 2. Jolie has 4-6-1975 or 4 & 5. As Jolie's 4 is inimical to Brad's 2, they will not make a happy couple. They will suffer in marriage.

Before marriage, both have to correct their names as per numerology, astrology, and their bio energetics. Just because Julie has 5 it will not make her famous. I can crate a million evil names in 5. What do you say for that?

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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And Angelina Jolie

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Aug 05, 2013
wrong dates NEW
by: Anonymous

their birth dates are not correct

Mar 04, 2011
8 examples
by: N R Bora

Well time will only tell about brad pitt. I have found a very interesting personality wih name in 26 and extreme level of success and good life, BARACK OBAMA.

Even morgan stanley totals to 44.

Reply by Kannan M

You have not read my site well. I am ready to give a name in 8 for you if your Saturn in your birth chart and horary chart give the results of houses 1, 2, 4, 10, and 11 and not those of 6, 8, and 12. You will be outstandingly lucky.

But are you ready?

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