Personal Experiences In
Name Numerology
by Bhaskar
I want to share my experiences with name numerology and name changes. My particulars are as follows:
My full name is Devulapalli bhaskar
Calling name is Bhaskar
Original DOB is 24-08-1969
As per cirtificates DOB 24-09-1969(print mistake)
Time 1200PM
Place Warangal , AP, Hyderabad
My name is Bhaskar. I went through various four numerologists, name changed and wrote on paper for few months but did not get any success.
I tried name dbhasskar(tried morethan 6 months), bhaskhar(tried 2 months), devulapallibhasskar(tried few days), dbhaskharr(tried only few days) but never got success in life, and got troubles few times.
Can you tell me the reasons?
Reply by Kannan M
All these changed names are equally if not more defective than your original name. That is why you did not have any success. The mistake is not on name numerology. It is on you having gone to the wrong people who are bogus pundits posing as numerologists.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.
And one last request. Please, please, please, do not use writing short cuts like i for I, plz for please, u for you, ur for your, and Im for I am. I do not have the time to correct all your mistakes.
And when you begin a sentence or a proper name, kindly begin with the Capital letter. Do your full stops in the correct places. It will help me to answer your name numerology questions better.