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About Lucky Gems

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Nov 03, 2010
Other Questions on Name Numerology
by: Prefer Not to Say

Dear Sir,

As always, thank you for generous words.

I have been thinking on your recommendations in your name numerology site and I am planning to do window-shopping.

According to your pages in name numerology on Lucky Gems, 9, 6, 5 gems all have to be worn on the left-hand ring finger ? 4.5 carats, 3 carats and 2.5 carats respectively ? which would make for one massive ring. Is this correct? I hope I can get them all to fit before the first knuckle lined up in a row in a setting.

I just saw a 4.53 carat red garnet (Mars) ? would this be close enough to 4.5 carats? I've got 20-odd hours to bid on it. If this is ok, I'll email you the link to the photos tonight with my payment for the remote testing with the Lecher Antenna.

Reply by Kannan M

It is not that all the gems for Sun should be worn on the ring finger alone. As per name numerology since Sun is a friend of Jupiter and Mercury, you can wear these gems for Sun on the ring, first, or little finger on the left hand, that is, if you are a right handed person.

If you are left handed, you have to wear these on the right hand fingers. When you wear it as a pendent on your necklace, it must be centered in the chest.

When you wear a lucky gem on your ear or nose, you must apply the same rule for left or right.

Do not wear two rings on the same finger.

In case of your lucky stone for 9 and Mars name numerology, you have to wear Coral. You can wear it on the 1st, ring, or your little finger as convenience demands.

Remember, it pays to spend some time and effort in choosing your lucky gem. It is better to wear no gems at all than to wear an unlucky gem.

I have received your payment and I thank you for the same. It permits you to have two more free trials with other gems. Good Luck.

Oct 17, 2010
Name Numerology & Lucky Gems
by: Prefer Not to Say

Dear Kannan M,

For my name numerology, what is the recommended size or carats for Red Spinel please? Also White Topaz and Green Tourmaline. (I know you've said you will write up a page in detail later.)

Based on that, I will start looking in the size range and send photos. Will PayPal you the amounts. Thank you again.

Reply by Kannan M

First I apologize for my delay in reply. It is my duty to respond to you immediately for this type of intelligent questions. I give below my hints on how to choose the weight of any gem based on your lucky numbers

If as per name numerology your lucky numbers are 9, 6, 5, 1. Remember that one carat weight is 0.2 gms. That means you can choose the weight of the lucky gems in grams as follows.

For lucky number 9 choose 0.9 grams which is 4.5 carats. For 6 choose 0.6 gms which is 3 carats. For 5 choose 0.5gms which is 2.5 carats. For lucky number 1 use 0.1 gms or 0.5 carats.

Oct 14, 2010
Remote Testing on Gems with the Lecher Antenna
by: Prefer Not to Say

Dear Sir,

You've said we should wear gems and have you test them with the Lecher Antenna before buying.

What about just from photos of gems without wearing them first? As I'm thinking of buying them off eBay. They have to be paid for first.

Reply by Kannan M

Yes. Can be done. But you have to ensure that you send the actual true photos of the gems for me to evaluate them and assess if these suit your good luck and bioenergetics.

Oct 08, 2010
Red Ray of Rubies
by: Prefer Not to Say

The first article shows the Red Ray qualities of a Ruby compared with a Garnet.

That's what has stopped me from buying the 3.20ct Red Spinel as that weight may not have the right amount of Red Ray.

Oct 08, 2010
Alternative Gems
by: Prefer Not to Say

Thank you, Mr Kannan M,

Could you please comment and post your recommendations on Red Spinel, Green Tourmaline and White Topaz, specifically?

I've been window-shopping on eBay and thinking of buying from a few sellers in Thailand. I almost placed a bid today on an untreated VS (eye-clean) grade Red Spinel at 3.20ct but came across the following two articles on Visual Optics or the Hodgkinson's Method that gave me some food for thought. I haven't got a ruby on hand to test but I do have small diamonds that demonstrate the diamond pattern of refraction 'just' using the eye, a sophisticated instrument in its own right. Fascinating stuff!

Gemstone Artist

Gem Guide

Yes. I shall write more on this topic within a month.

Oct 06, 2010
Alternative Gems
by: Prefer Not to Say

I see. Thank you for the clarification. That is unfortunate but understandable. I find uncut gems rather raw and beautiful but that's beside the point as far as planetary effects are concerned. We want to harness their energies as much as we can, don't we?

That means the primary gems would be priced out of my budget. Sir, could you please write up a page on alternative gems and ideal sizes/weights?

Yes. I shall do that some time within a month or two.

Oct 04, 2010
More Uncut Gems
by: Prefer Not to Say

Just to be sure I'm understanding you correctly...

I can wear rough, uncut, uneven, untreated ruby, diamond, emerald... like these set in rings?

Orange Red Ruby

White diamond

Emerald Crystal

No. According to the tents of name numerology it is better to wear cut and polished gems so that you get rid of the surface impurities which may contain negative vibes to spoil the gem effect.

Oct 04, 2010
Name Numerology & Uncut Gems
by: Prefer Not to Say

Dear Kannan M,

Q1. Do I put on rings for the first time at specific times/days?

Use your name numerology lucky numbers and calculate the lucky dates. You can start wearing them on your lucky days.

I may have to look for alternative gems as I can't afford precious gems.

The same rule applies for alternative gems. But your benefits will be not due to the gems but the color emanated by these gems.

Q2. Can I wear uncut, rough gems? For example, such as this:


set in a ring?

Yes. But use aquamarine sparingly. It is both unlucky and lucky especially for your name numerology.

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