by Sharma
I give below my name numerology details for your verdict.
I, Sridharan was born in 5th August 1966 - India and married to a Malaysian with name Rathy whose date of birth is 5th August 1975.
I am in Malaysia and suddenly we got separated. My wife took divorce and I had 3 kids. All are with them. I got separated in 2006.
After that another girl who is also a Malaysian came to my life and said will marry me. Her name is Kohilavany, date of birth 29th May 1979. She already married with one son and had her divorce.
Suddenly she also and said due to her parents compulsion, she wanted to re-marry her husband whose date of birth is 15th May 1975. Her child's name is Tharshan born on 18th October 2001.
My life and my vision is now dark and my life is miserable. Please give me a remedy on how to overcome this. My question.
Will my wife will or the girl come back. Will I be a bachelor till end. I cant take any steps because my mind is that much affected.
Reply by Kannan M
You are born with 5 and 8 name numerology. Saturn by 8 has given you these miseries, misfortunes, and sorrows. Your wife will not come back and neither your girl friend would return.
If you do not correct your defective name, you will continue to face such disappointments and defeats in life. Correct your name and lead a happy life till your end.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
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by sandhya rani
As per name numerology my dob is 11 April 1978. I am very unhappy because i do not have success. What ever i want will fail. Money does not stand. It flows away. Even my husband is not fine.
He does not save any money. Business is on my name but it runs very badly. No timely income is coming . i have two kids. i did not save a single rupee for them.
My daily life is very horrible. No money.
Reply by Kannan M
If you want to own a house you have to build by an architect. And you have to spend money on things like proper foundation.
If your name is good that is the proper foundation for your success in life and you have to spend for it by paying a fee.
Correct your name as per my system of name numerology and you will not have any worries thereafter. Be bold. Correct your name.
by Yenny
(Ma, USA)
In name numerology, according to the Chaldean Alphabet numbers values, the letter Y = 1, but most others say that the Y = 7, and not 1? That's what I've learned from other numerology readings.
So which is right? My name is Yenny, and I need to change my full name if in fact Y = 7. My life path =33, my birth day =5. Thank you.
Reply by Kannan M
Chaldean name numerolo0gy was given to Man by God through his Divine revelations to the learned folks in ancient times.
It is more dependable and universal for name correction. Y is 1 and not 7. Hence name Yenny is unlucky and you must correct it. Do it as per your numerology, astrology, and body mind vibrations.
If you like you apply through this web site contact page providing your other details and I shall do the needful.
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