Should I Change My Name
As Per Name Numerology
I give you my name numerology details. My name is RAMESH KHANCHANDANI. I was born on 5-01-1975. My wife is Seema Khanchandani. She was born 05-04-1978.
Do I have to Change my name as per name numerology? Everything in my life I got very late. Still I feel I don't get whatever I deserve.
Reply by Kannan M
Your name numerology meanings are explained here below.
RAMESH KHANCHANDANI. Born on 5-01-1975. (5 & 1)
20 + 38 = 58
SEEMA KHANCHANDANI. 5-4-1978 (5, 7)
18 + 38 = 56
In your case to have first name in Moon is suicidal. Over all name in 4 which is inimical to Moon is much more suicidal.
So you must correct your name.
In your wife's case her first name in 18 is inimical to her life number 7. Her overall name numerology is also not good since her name comes in 56 which is 2. 7 makes her unhappy in marriage.
Therefore with out any doubt you have to correct your names. We do it with a big difference over other numerologists in the whole world.
Other numerologists give names by blind belief by bookish out dated numerology. But we design your names by scientific methods by numerology, astrology, Bio Energetics, tests with Lecher Antenna and energy measurement readings on the energy meter Acmograph.
Hence you get far better luck and prosperity when you come to us.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site. Correct your name and enjoy all the good things in your life.