Struggle In Llife With Name
Numerology Of 8

I am a victim of No. 8 and its name numerology. This is my case. I feel that I am really very lonely. Even small things disturb me in my life. But I am very forgiving type of nature.

I found this is a good quality in me. Even I have seen so much struggle but I always feel God is with me and he will save me. It happens always but yes, struggle is there always for 8 no. people.

I am lucky for everyone but no one is lucky for me. 5 is sometimes lucky for me but 2 and 1 is a Big NO.

Comments By Kannan M

It is another case study which proves that No. 8 ruled by Saturn is unlucky. If you have a correct name you can escape the bad luck of No. 8. Otherwise there is no chance.

You are too good as a human being, which again proves that name numerology of 8 can make you with divine qualities.

You are gifted with contentment. You do not regret for what you have missed out in all the good things of life due to Number 8.

If you had a perfect name as per name numerology, you could have attained greater success and satisfaction. If you need a name change, you can approach me by the contact us form.

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Numerology Of 8

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Aug 07, 2010
Predictions for Day No. 8 Life No. 5 is Accurate
by: Anonymous

Dear Kannan Sir,

My day number is 8 and life number is 5 but my name number is 3. Whatever u have stated for 8/5 is almost correct. I would like to get your help and advise. Thanks!

You can correct this defect and achieve good luck when you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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