Suffering With Name Numerology
Of Three Eights (8s)

by Priya Arora

According to name numerology, I was Born on 08-02.1987. I am Priya Arora, a 23 year girl. My Day number is 8, Life Number is 8, and Name Number is also 8. I have gone through many accidents as well as struggles and didn't get yet what I deserved.

Please help me out. Please let me know about my future and related remedy with name as I am all set to start a new life both personally & professionally. I am damn confused about my future.

Reply by Kannan M

It is good for you that you realized the impending danger due to the three 8s and approached me for help. In this situation, Name correction is the best remedy for you.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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