True Story Of A 7 Person
Name Numerology

by Anonymous
(Prefer Not To Reveal)

As per name numerology I m born on a 7 date in 1991. At times I really don’t understand me. Since childhood I faced problems. No one understands me. Never had many friends.

Always lived in my world of dreams and always believed in it.

I always had a vision in differentiating wrong and right. I found my mental level more high than my age group people.

I am ambitious but lazy, careless. intelligent but an opportunity loser.

My mom died on a date of 7 & 8. I met with a bus accident early in my life Now suffering from degenerative changes. I m not able to concentrate more than 5 sec during study .

I always keep doing deep thinking and likes myself to stay solitude than to be in company of people who cannot increase my knowledge level or who are not useful to me in any sense.

I am practical, money minded.

My luck never favors me. I always need to do lot of hard work even for getting a small thing. I am independent, sweet and selfish. Why this all happens to me.

Please tell me what to do. I feel helpless. My boyfriend is very good but I never connect with him well. He is my true friend. But we both always misunderstand.

On physical terms we both are good but mentally we don’t connect. Please tell me what changes should I bring in my name ? What kind of number should I attract in my life to be successful.

I want to be a miss world, actor, I say no for IAS as I do not want to suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes because my mother died due to it.

I want to have a successful happy married life.

Reply by Kannan M

Your submission illustrates the character of a person born with Day Number 7.

Your name is not correct as per your birth numbers and it does not vibrate well with your body mind vibrations.

Only when you have a perfect name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics, you can enjoy luck.

If your name fails even one of these tests, it will be unlucky for you and it must be rejected.

The visitor can see proofs of my sayings on 7 in the experience of this 7 person. She too will fulfill her ambitions and attain success in love and financial matters if she corrects her name as per my directions based on my system of name numerology.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

And one last request. Please, please, please, do not use writing short cuts like i for I, plz for please, u for you, ur for your, and Im for I am. I do not have the time to correct all your mistakes.

And when you begin a sentence or a proper name, kindly begin with the Capital letter. Do your full stops in the correct places. It will help me to answer your name numerology questions better.

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Name Numerology

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Mar 22, 2013
B+ve NEW
by: Anonymous

You need more friends and throw your boyfriend out of your life he is opportunist and you are better person than him.

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